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Re: im-config | Use im-config on Wayland without uninstalling IBus (!5)

On 2020-05-23 05:52, Osamu Aoki wrote:
Addressing wayland/systemd was a whole new game.  I initially thought
its task is beyond the design scope of im-config.  Then YOSHINO-san
proposed new hook via systemd as
/usr/lib/systemd/user-environment-generators/70-im-config .

    2bbb1a3 ("70-im-config: Export env variables via systemd", 2019-03-

    This systemd.environment-generator(7) is invoked by `systemd --user'
    (>= 233) to export variables to its activation environment, which is
    used by gdm3 for environment variables in a new desktop session.

    Unlike Xorg, Wayland does not use /etc/X11/Xsession.d/, where im-
    config has exported environment variables. This generator should
    compensate the lacking function for a Wayland desktop session
    launched from gdm3.

I didn't want to create a monster which I can't mauntain, YOSHINO-san's
proposal seemed reasonably compact.

Hmm.. I'd better mention that I dropped that and replaced it with a (very similar) hook in /etc/profile.d. The reason is that such a systemd generator is run very early at session startup when most environment variables (e.g. XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP and XDG_SESSION_TYPE) have not yet been set.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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