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Bug#1033097: im-config: Fcitx5 does not start automatically in KDE plasma Wayland

On 2023-03-19 03:31, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
Submitted an im-config merge request:


Feedback welcome!

Since I based the merge request on Kubuntu 23.04 observations, I decided to confirm that it also applies in Debian itself. So I installed plasma-desktop on my Debian testing installation, and — as expected — fcitx5 didn't start when logging in to a Plasma (Wayland) session. I confirmed that the same systemd boot issue is present in Debian, so I applied the proposed changes to im-config. Result: fcitx5 still didn't start.

The remaining problem proved to be the display manager. GDM does not source the files in /etc/profile.d when logging in to a Plasma (Wayland) session! So I installed sddm and made it the standard DM. That proved to be it. When logging in from SDDM to a Plasma (Wayland) session, fcitx5 starts automatically.

@Jun Nogata: It would be interesting to know which display manager you are using.

Not sure what the conclusion of this is. Did I find a GDM bug? Or is GDM intended to be used for GNOME sessions only? Or should we reconsider im-config's use of /etc/profile.d? Maybe systemd is good enough these days.

But this latter aspect is something to maybe deal with later. Unless somebody objects, I will consider the merge request sufficient to fix this bug.


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