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Re: (usagi-core 01159) Re: broken IPv6 code (attached exampled app)

Thanks, itojun.

In article <4358.978671224@coconut.itojun.org> (at Fri, 05 Jan 2001 14:07:04 +0900), itojun@iijlab.net says:

> first, let us think about bind(2) ordering options.
> normal linux falls into 1 + a.  netbsd/openbsd falls into 1 + d.
> option 1: getaddrinfo returns ::, then
> option a: kernel forbids bind( after bind(::), but
> 	bind(::) after bind( is okay
> option c: only one of them is allowed
> option d: kernel works okay with any order

No.  Original Linux kernels (and USAGI linux kernels without 
CONFIG_IPV6_DOUBLE_BIND) take 1+c; not 1+a.

> for kernel designers:
> i believe the safest option to take is 1 + d + alpha.
> when there's AF_INET6 listening socket only, either x or y is fine.

USAGI linux kernels with CONFIG_IPV6_DOUBLE_BIND take 1 + d + alpha.

Hideaki YOSHIFUJI @ USAGI Project  <yoshfuji@linux-ipv6.org>
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