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Reverse Lookups

Hi All

I hope this is the right place to discuss that...

As you probably know, there are two TLD which do ipv6 reverse delegation
(ip6.int and ip6.arpa) as to my knoledge there was now found a consensus
(I heared that at a RIPE meeting) that ip6.arpa should be used.

As far as I now in linux this behaviour is hardcoded into the glibc
and points to ip6.int.

What do you think is the way we should change this. Or to whom
should I talk ...

Best regards

  Matthias Cramer

     _;\_    Matthias Cramer                System & Network Manager
    /_.  \   Dolphins Network Systems AG    Phone +41-1-847'45'45
   |/ -\ .)  Libernstrasse 24               Fax   +41-1-847'45'49
 -'^`-   \;  CH-8112 Otelfingen             http://www.dolphins.ch/
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