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Xfree86 4.2.1-3.ipv6.r0.2 available

Hi all,
	that's it. After some days working i finally made the first
release available for everyone at usual ipv6 archive. (r0.1 was used only
internally for some pre-testing)

the packages (i386 tested, powerpc autobuilded) are still not on all the
mirrors so in the meanwhile people must spend time reading

if you are lazy here is a short summary:

The packages are EXPERIMENTAL and they might break stuff around.
Use them at your own risk and be always ready to downgrade.
For NO reason you should submit bugs against the Debian BTS since these
pkgs are unoffical and especially don't ask support for them to the
debian-x mailing list. If you believe that you have encountered a bug that
is not strictly related to the IPv6 implementation than downgrade to the
offical X packages, reproduce the problem and submit the bug.
Do not expect new pkgs every day! X is a huge beast to compile even on
fast machines and only after we will solve all the known issues and after
atleast some weeks of testing I will consider pushing the work to The X
Strike Force. So simply do not ask when it will be in main.


PS: 99% of you will fail to run X if you will not read the webpage.
Trust me!

vega:~# apt-get install life
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package life

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