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IPv6 Mini-Conference


Well its happening! In the last year or so, the use of IPv6 has been booming with the advent of news web sites, increasingly popular tunnel brokers and simply more users! So I have decided to run a mini-conference prior to Linux.Conf.Au

Linux.conf.au is the Australian Technical Linux Conference - it tours around the Australian cities every year organised by the local LUG in that region - this year it is being hosted by PLUG - The Perth Linux Users Group in Perth, Western Australia. The speaker line up for 2003 is looking to be great and is now available on the website - see http://www.linux.conf.au

You can register for the IPv6 mini-conference at http://ipv6.ztsoftware.net/register.php and view the current schedule at http://ipv6.ztsoftware.net/schedule.php

The IPv6 mini-conference will be held before the start of linux.conf.au on Monday 20th January. To attend the IPv6 Conference - you must also attend the main conference ... or else ... The IPv6 mini-conference is included with every ticket to linux.conf.au! That's two for the price of one - also running on the second day will be the Linux Gaming Mini Conference - for all your fragging needs - as well as the educationaLinux and Debian mini-conferences.

We are also looking for more speakers! We currently have 2-3 slots open for other speakers to participate - maybe even more if more speakers to participate - so give Trent 'Lathiat' Lloyd an email at trent AT ztsoftware DOT net - and check out the website at http://ipv6.ztsoftware.net/ (Its IPv6 Connected too!)

Well I hope to see all of you registering, coming along and having a LOT of fun, if you have any question just give me a yell - trent(AT)ztsoftware(DOT)net

-- Trent Lloyd (IPv6 Mini-Conference Organiser)

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