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Hi there,

Have anyone here tried out IPv6 support on fetchmail-6.2.5 (Sid)?
It does not work for me, failing with this error:
couldn't find canonical DNS name of 2001:7a8:1:1::71 (2001:7a8:1:1::71)

I tried with the address and with the name: both did not work.
This server actually works with telnet on port 110.

I intended to rebuild fetchmail with --enable-inet6, it changed nothing.
The maintainer did not respond... I do not think reporting a bug will
change anything.

I ask, because the package is stated as IPv6-enabled on

Any help or tips appreciated... ;)
        _,met$$$$$gg.        Aurélien GÉRÔME
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BOFH excuse #286: Telecommunications is downgrading.

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