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Re: IPv6 DNS


> > $ORIGIN a.a.a.a.
> That can't be right: the name doesn't end with a dot, so BIND
> treats it as a subdomain of the current origin, resulting in
> "a.a.a.a.
> 0.2.ip6.arpa."

i saw it after sending the mail and corrected :-P

> But adding the dot wouldn't be right either, as the
> origin would then be outside the zone.  If you want to serve the same
> data for both ip6.int and ip6.arpa, I think the easiest way is to
> remove the $ORIGIN directive and put two zone statements in
> named.conf, both pointing to the same zone file.

i've done so

> > *** Can't find aria.ipv6.renumbering.loria.fr: No answer
> It might be helpful to enable rndc querylog and see whether the
> query gets to the server.

i didn't know this stuff, and it is really helpful ! Thanks to that i
saw that nslookup was querrying A entries, so as said in another mail of
this thread, i used host -t aaaa and it works just fine :)

Thanks a lot for your help !

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