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RE: example configuration

yes but how ?
im completely new using ipv6
for start

i dont know how to set up a socks

i dont know what is RFC
sorry for being that ignorant :(

a hand would be good 4 me

> Hola,
> por lo que entiendo necesitas comunicar el resto de tus computadoras en
> IPv4 a las 2 computadoras que actualmente usan dual stack (IPv4/IPv6) y
> que posteriormente usaran solo IPv6.
> Si ya descartaste activar dual stack en todas las pcs de tu red privada lo
> que puedes hacer es configurar una de las que ya tienen dual stack para
> que actue como servidor SOCKS,  relay de nivel de transporte o router
> RFC 3089 SOCKS- IPv6/IPv4 Gateway Mechanism
> RFC 3142 IPv6-to-IPv4 Transport Relay Translator
> RFC 3152 Traslacion de direcciones y protocolos (NAT-PT)
> saludos
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	itachi@cnt.uo.edu.cu [mailto:itachi@cnt.uo.edu.cu]
> Sent:	Tue 4/18/2006 10:52 AM
> To:	debian-ipv6@lists.debian.org
> Cc:
> Subject:	Re: example configuration
> ok here i go
> i have a private network (no internet access)
> my network ip4 address
> are more or less like this
> 10.30.142.x to 10.30.145.x
> now im testing on the computers ipv4  and,
> i have the ipv6 module running on the kernel of that computers
> here is my idea
> i would like to migrate that computers to ipv6 completely
> but also i want other computers get access to the ipv6 addrss
> xample my computer are using ipv4 ip
> now
> how can i c from my ipv4 get access to the ipv6 address of the computer
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:44:E7:18
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>           inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe44:e718/64 Scope:Link
> thanks
>> On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 11:00 -0400, itachi@cnt.uo.edu.cu wrote:
>>> hello again
>>> here i have an example on ipv4to 6
>>> but the ip addres is 200.x.x.x
>> 6to4 doesn't work together with RFC1918 addresses (thus,
>> and
>> What is it exactly what you are trying to accomplish.
>> Can you describe your network layout?
>> Greets,
>>  Jeroen
> -------------------------------------------------
>                            Luis A. Rondon Paz
>     L I N U X       .~.    Admin intranet CNT
>    The  Choice      /V\    icq #132736035
>     of a GNU       /( )\   itachi@cnt.uo.edu.cu
>    Generation      ^^-^^    Santiago de cuba
>                    UONET
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-ipv6-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
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                           Luis A. Rondon Paz
    L I N U X       .~.    Admin intranet CNT
   The  Choice      /V\    icq #132736035
    of a GNU       /( )\   itachi@cnt.uo.edu.cu
   Generation      ^^-^^    Santiago de cuba

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