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Re: Configuring both ipv4 and ipv6 with ifupdown

Frederic Lehobey wrote:
> Hi,
> In sarge, the following /etc/network/interfaces configuration used to
> work:
> ----
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
>         address
>         netmask
> iface eth0 inet6 static
>         address 2002:some:addr::1
>         netmask 64

I have a couple of hosts where that works perfectly well with separate
'iface eth0 inet...' and 'iface eth0 inet6...' lines.

Also note that RFC1918 and 6to4 (2002::/16) don't mix, as they
technically can't work, unless you route 6to4 globally of course or are
using the IPv4 address of another (public) host in the 6to4 address...

> while in etch if fails with:
> # invoke-rc.d networking restart
> Reconfiguring network interfaces...SIOCADDRT: File exists
> Failed to bring up eth0.
> done.

Mine work, but I usually use 'ifdown eth0' and 'ifup eth0', never
invoke-rc.d, can you try it with 'ifdown eth0' and then 'ifup eth0' ?

Also interesting to do is activating debugging.

As the above in effect only calls:

        ifdown -a --exclude=lo || true
        if ifup -a --exclude=lo; then
            log_action_end_msg $?
            log_action_end_msg $?

try a 'ifdown -a --verbose --exclude=lo' and then a
'ifup -a --verbose -exclude=lo' to see what the results are.

> I am ready to file a bug report against ifupdown with severity serious
> as it is a regression with respect to working configurations in sarge,
> though I ask here before in case I miss something.

if fails, file bug as serious, apparently that is the only way to get
stuff actually fixed in debian, well at least only for the next one, old
users still stay stuck with broken versions.


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