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RE: mail spool

	I never figured out how to do that one, but if you think about it you are
forging header information.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alter Ego [mailto:wagnerc@plebeian.com]
Sent: Monday, November 01, 1999 4:08 PM
To: Debian ISP List
Subject: Re: mail spool

At 03:45 PM 11/1/99 -0500, Fraser Campbell wrote:
>cat mailbox | formail -ds /usr/sbin/sendmail someaccount@anotherserver.com

I tested it out and the mail is remarked as coming from root...  Isn't there
a sendmail directive to make it take the headers as-is?  Right now it treats
it as new mail from root.  I think bulkmail has a feture like this. :)

I don't have root access on the new machine.

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