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Re: How to limit it ?

* Russell Coker said:

> >> }
> >You can prevent that easily. Just deny read access on libc.so.6, leaving the
> >executable bit set.
> I doubt that.  See the following strace.  NB I don't have a spare system to
> test this on at the moment.  If you're sure it'll work then try it.  ;)
Try to set a shell scripts permissions to 711 and then exec it. You will be
allowed to exec it, but the shell interpreter won't be allowed to OPEN it
for reading.

> >> Of course you could pre-load a library that replaces the dlopen call, but
> >> your system probably won't work in such a fashion.
> >It would. You could add CAP ability to the dl* family of functions to test
> >for the credentials of the user that invokes the library. Much easier and
> >cleaner IMO.
> That will probably work.  It's a lot of work though, and if they can get a
Hmm... not that much, IMO, it just adds one test to the dlopen() function -
whether the user has certain caps raised or not.

> statically linked program installed then they get access anyway...
That's true unless they don't use the standard library.

> Or they can write a program that calls the open() system call directly by
> number (I've worked with code that does this with clone(), I'm sure I could
> write code for open() in a few hours.
Not if capabilities are used. You can set file system capabilities and one
would need the same caps as above to read the file.
> >> Mounting /home, /tmp, and /var/tmp in a noexec fashion is probably a better
> >> idea.
> >I agree. That's what I do with users I don't really trust. noexec, nosuid,
> >nodev. Pity that /tmp has to be executable, but the OpenWall patch makes it
> >possible to secure it anyway, besides mode 03777 makes it quite secure.
> Why does /tmp have to be mounted with execute permission?
mc uses it to, e.g. read archive files - it creates an executable script in
/tmp. Probably some other programs use it as well for this same purpose
> Why mode 03777 not 01777 as everyone else uses?
The sticky bit allows the user to delete a file only when he owns it, and
SGID bit makes sure that any file created by some user will have the same
group as the directory, with appropriately set umask I can run the /tmp
purging script not as root, but as a user which is a member of the group
that owns /tmp. Call me paranoid :)), but I don't trust the purging scripts
to work flawlessly ever and always :))


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