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Re: Courier-ldap authentification trouble SOLVED

Ramin Motakef <ramin@motakef.de> writes:

> Hi,
> i cant get courier imap and ldap authentification to work and don't
> have any more ideas where to look.
> It seems as if courier doesn't even seem to try to contact the ldap
> server (ethereal shows no connection attempt). So i guess its a
> problem with my configuration.
> ---Details snipped----

Sorry to answer myself, maybe others find it helpfull anyway:

I recomiled authldap with debugging enabled and found the follwing in
 authdaemond.ldap: Hostname:^I:389  <----- The Problem
 authdaemond.ldap: UID:      1023 
 authdaemond.ldap: GID:      1023 
 authdaemond.ldap: ldapconnect end 
 authdaemond.ldap: BindDn: cn=admin,ou=People,dc=motakef,dc=de BindPw: <pw> 
 authdaemond.ldap: ldap_simple_bind_s failed: Can't contact LDAP server

There was some unprintable caracter behind the IP in authldaprc!!!
After removing it everything works.

Anyway it would have been nice if courier did some more verbose error


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