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Re: [Fwd: Re: Spamassasin over RBL, was Re: rblsmtpd -t?]

On Thu, 2 May 2002 21:47:07 +1000, Russell Coker
<russell@coker.com.au> wrote:
>On Thu, 2 May 2002 19:58, Glenn Hocking wrote:
>> I've found that spamcop blocks email from both GE (General Electric) and
>> Pizza Hut mail servers which clients of mine need to receive.
>Are the GE and Pizza Hut cases because of mis-reporting?  Or have these 
>companies spammed?

Generally, I have found the Spam Cop blocking list to be much too
aggressive for being useable as a filter for an ISP. They classify
spam sources by the amount of legitimate mail they receive compared to
the amount of spam they receive.

Naturally, an english language organisation does not receive much
legitimate e-mail from Germany, so they have found to frequently list
t-online, gmx and web.de, the three largest e-mail providers for the
german speaking countries, all three of them being pure white head
when it comes to spam fighting.

I wouldn't even use the Spam Cop blocking list for generating


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