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Re: Perl Whois Utility

On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 12:40:45PM -0400, Gene Grimm wrote:
> Does anyone know of a utility or script that already does this, or at
> least the whois lookup?

there are some perl modules to do that.  they probably won't do the
whole parsing job, but they will provide functions to do the lookups for

the debian packages are:

libnet-whois-perl	    Perl Module providing an API to access InterNIC whois database
libnet-whois-raw-perl   Perl Module providing an API to access whois database                   

i've never used these modules, just seen them in the debian package
listing...i know nothing more than that they exist.

note that there is no consistent output format between whois servers.
this makes whois basically useless as a source of data.  


craig sanders <cas@taz.net.au>

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