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Re: Is gray-listing a one-shot anti-spam measure?

On Friday 03 December 2004 19.03, Stephen Gran wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder said:
> > (And - this to Stephen Frost, I believe - there is a patch to postgrey
> > which I will include in the next version, and I believe which will also
> > be included in the next upstream, to whitelist a client IP as soon as
> > one greylisted email came through.  So the load on legitimate
> > mailservers will be even smaller.)
> Is there a way to make the number of succesful retries before
> whitelisting configurable for postgrey?

Hmm. Haven't looked at that patch for a while, but I agree with you that 
this would be a fine idea.

-- vbi

Don't let the computer bugs bite!

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