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Re: Accessing windows share throught http

This is not feasible for three good reasons:
  1. i would need to authenticate the access page
     so giving an username/password to anuy possible user, each one with
     its permissions.
  2. I do not know in advance not only the users, but neither what are the
     possible shares to be used. 
  3. Even if I knew all the data i would need to know the user password
     for access to any share ... 

On Mon, 27 Dec 2004, Chris Wagner wrote:

> You can also do it by mounting the share with samba as part of the regular
> file system.  Then it's just another directory under the document root (or
> alias).  If u ask me this is safer than using smbwebclient because I
> wouldn't trust giving random people free reign into the NT environment.  As
> an added benefit shell users and server daemons can also access the NT share.
> -- 
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