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Re: Logrotate help on my isp webserver

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 03:20 -0700, Radhika wrote:
> Hi,
>  I want to configure my logrotate configuration file as follows
>  we need  keep all clients monthly logs to /var/log/apache2/logs
> folder
> Under this folder we have different clients directories.Each
> directory 
> should contain the logfiles that is access.log and error.log files
> for 
> each folder.Every month end logrotate should run and it should keep
> the
> log files in monthnameandyear folder with monthnameandyear.tgz file.
>  How to configure this in logrotate.conf
> Example:-
> logfiles location /var/log/apache2/logs under this folder every client
> is having their folder for logs
> in side that apache log files are there i.e error.log,access.log.
>  Every month logrotate should run and it should create a folder with
> monthnameandyear under this monthname folder
> that perticular month logfiles .tgz file shouls be there.
> ex:- /var/log/apache2/logs/bahu/may2005/may2005.log.tgz

In short, I don't believe logrotate is sophisticated enough.
Your own purpose built script will have a better chance of meeting the
specific requirements for your server(s).

This email is mainly in response to your choice of names for the logs,
consider naming your files with pure number dates from most to least
significant information.

Mark Munro.

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