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Re: Email cluster

On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 05:52:29PM -0300, Pablo wrote:

> But what happen when one machine can't manage the entire load, but
> steal needs to work with only one domain (ej: mydomain.com)? In this
> situation some kind of load balance is needed but I have no idea how
> to implement it.

Here's one way:


pf + spamd looks very nice as an SMTP transaction frontend (black, white
and greylisting, greytrapping, tarpitting and now stuttering). pf can do
round robin forwarding to multiple SA boxes, if that becomes necessary.

In my experience, spam assassin is what contrains your mail server. In
retrospect, I probably would setup pf+spamd+dspam and develop a decent
initial db for dspam. (dspam is written in C so it is much less resource
intensive than sa.)


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