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MiniDebConf a Vienna al fine di aprile

Ciao a tutti,

(and sorry for switching languages -- my Italian is very rusty),

on April 30th and May 1st (Saturday and Sunday), there will be a MiniDebConf in
Vienna. There are still several slots available for presentations -- if you
have a Debian topic you would like to present, please join us!

On April 28th and 29th (Thursday and Friday), a MiniDebCamp will take place at
the same location, where people can meet and hack together on joined projects.

If you want to preset a topic but can not afford the trip, there is some travel
funding available still.

Details on location, signup and contact is all available at [1].

Cari saltui, e ci vediamo a Vienna

[1] http://debienna.at/minidebconf_vie2016/

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