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Re: What is the status of j2sdk1.3?

Hi Stephen,

	Thanks for your reply.

On 4 Sep 2001, Stephen Zander wrote:

> >>>>> "Marcus" == Marcus Crafter <crafterm@fztig938.bank.dresdner.net> writes:
>     Marcus> 	Is there any further information as to when this might
>     Marcus> happen ?  Is there anything that can be done to speed up
>     Marcus> the process at all ?
> Initial i386 packages for j2dk will be in /Incoming by the end of the
> week.

	Great. Looking forward to it. Thanks again. :-)



     ,,$$$$$$$$$,      Marcus Crafter
    ;$'      '$$$$:    Computer Systems Engineer
    $:         $$$$:   Open Software Associates GmbH
     $       o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
     ;$,    _/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
       '     /( &&&
           \_&&&&'     Email : Marcus.Crafter@osa.de
          &&&&.        Business Hours : +49 69 9757 200

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