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Re: [michaelc@lindows.com: [Matthias.Pfisterer@web.de: Re: autobuilders and java]]

Douglas Guptill <guptilld@accesswave.ca> writes:

> The solution here seems easy: replace "save" with "store"; 
> the API seems to be the same.

Or simply let it be. They're just warnings...

> The other problem seems to be inconsistencies in jikes:
> 1.  It only reports *one* of the deprecated calls to "store"

Could be a feature.

> 2. It flags these two calls
>     [javac] Issued 2 semantic warnings compiling "/opt/limewire-2.5.5/core/com/l
> imegroup/gnutella/Acceptor.java":
>     [javac] 
>     [javac]    314.             setDaemon(true);
>     [javac]                     <------------->
>     [javac] *** Caution: Ambiguous reference to member named "setDaemon" inherit
> ed from type "java/lang/Thread" but also declared or inherited in the enclosing 
> type "com/limegroup/gnutella/Acceptor". Explicit qualification is required.
>     [javac] 
>     [javac] 
>     [javac]    315.             start();
>     [javac]                     <----->
>     [javac] *** Caution: Ambiguous reference to member named "start" inherited f
> rom type "java/lang/Thread" but also declared or inherited in the enclosing type
>  "com/limegroup/gnutella/Acceptor". Explicit qualification is required.
> for reasons that I do not understand.  The methods do not seem to be defined in
> this class and it directly extends Thread.

Note that this occurs in the ConnectionDispatchRunner class nested
inside Acceptor. Since both inherit from Thread you could mean the
same-named method from either the nested or surrounding class.

Chances are the nested class's methods are right, so prefixing with
"super." should do the trick.

> Jikes does *not* flags similiar calls in the same class, in the
> "initialize" method, at line 106:

Because this method is the surrounding class's and therefore does not
see the nested class's (inherited) methods.


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