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Re: java2-runtime

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Michael Cardenas wrote:

> Thomas J. Zeeman wrote:
> >On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Tom Badran wrote:
> >
> >>have the sun jdk installed and dont want to install the blackdown one just to
> >>
> >
> >Someone mentioned he's updating that one to the latest available version.
> >Haven't seen much activity though. :(
> >
> Updating what to the latest version? The dummy package?

The debianised blackdown jdk. It's still at a version 1+ years old and
multiple releases have seen the light of day.

> What are people's thoughts on how far away we are from having a real
> java2-runtime. I'd like to see this become a reality, as we have more
> and more apps that use it. Limewire needs it.

If you include the entire set of java(x) libraries in your definition of
java2-runtime it is probaly quite far away.
I remember seeing a list of java-classes used by OpenOffice and
currently not implemented in a free version. Even discounting the
sun-classes it was depressingly long. But a lot can happen in less than
two months I guess.
IIRC it originated from a post to the kaffe-ml. They might know more about
its current status.


	Western Civilization, that would be a good idea!

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