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Clean install of Tomcat 4.1 on Woody

Hi !

I have j2sdk1.4.1 up and running, thanks to Warren Dodge's doc.
I'm now trying to install tomcat 4.1 on a Woody, using the debian way. But I'm quite a newbie on Debian, and I could not find any useful doc neither on how to install it on Debian/Woody nor how to start it as a daemon (before Apache if possible).

Of course, there is the tomcat installation doc, but I would like to do it the debain way. Regarding the daemon issue, I found http://www.mail-archive.com/tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org/msg88796.html but it does not seem to work on Debian.

Any help or link to a detailled doc would be greatly apreciated.

Many thanks.


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