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Re: Help on java packaging

Hi Arnaud,

Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
Thu, 03 Feb 2005 08:46:46 +0100, Wolfgang Baer <wbaer@gmx.de> wrote:


gjdoc is not working in the new kaffe package :'(

Also, note that the ant task call the 'javadoc' executable in JAVA_HOME

,----[ ant-1.6.2/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/Javadoc.java ]
|     log("Generating Javadoc", Project.MSG_INFO);
| | Commandline toExecute = (Commandline) cmd.clone();
|     toExecute.setExecutable(JavaEnvUtils.getJdkExecutable("javadoc"));

But it was working in the old release, or ? I succesfully build
my api doc with gjdoc. It worked in a pbuilder environment, so
theres neither a non-free jdk present nor a JAVA_HOME set.

I used the <exec executable="gjdoc" ... > task, not javadoc !

jump - java unified mapping platfrom
The "end user" GIS product


I checked classpath cvs and all (expect one) compilation errors are now
implemented in cvs - so there is a good change jump can go into main as
well if at some time a new kaffe package with the cvs classpath changes
gets uploaded.


I will test the compilation of jump against the new kaffe package !
Maybe I has already the needed swing stuff. I was told one of the
classpath hackers uses jump as a reference for his swing efforts.

But I checked against classpath cvs - so I don't know if everything
is already merged to the new kaffe package uploaded today.
I will test and we will see :-)

I have also other packages in preparation but first I want to get some
comments if the packaging is ok this way. I used cdbs as I saw in
several other java packages. The javadoc is generated via gjdoc with a
method I found through google posted somewhere by arnaud.

Me!? ;-)

Well, I don't find the page know. But it is the approach you used
in the servlet api. See the gjdoc patch in java-servlet-api2.3-4.0

Your packages are excellent. The only stopper I see at the moment is the
javadoc generation. A new kaffe package has just been uploaded but
without a working gjdoc, but another should be uploaded next week with a
working gjdoc.

Thanks !

I can sponsor you if you can wait for gjdoc to be fit and well or if you
remove the javadoc generation in your packages. About the jump package,
you'll have to find a maintainer on x86 because I got problems
generating packages with my non-free jdk.

I just looked at my pbuilder results - the javadoc is there ??!!
But maybe it worked because I used the <exec executable="gjdoc" ... > task, not javadoc !



PS: jts and jump are GPL - but jama is some sort of public domain. I
don't know if it can go into main. Comments are welcome !

Public domain is ok for main. But the non-free jdk generation is not.

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