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Re: gcj & firefox

>>>>> "Laszlo" == Laszlo Boszormenyi <gcs@lsc.hu> writes:

>> Is it gcj-4.0 enough  to run java applets inside Firefox?
Laszlo>  Isn't gcj the compiler itself and not a runtime environtment?

Yes, "gcj" is, but folks often use that name to refer to the whole
thing (gcj + libgcj), and libgcj includes an entire runtime.

Laszlo> You can find a java plugin for Firefox IMHO or search around
Laszlo> kaffe.

See the gcjwebplugin project.

Note however that this provides no security.  Use at your own risk.
We're planning to write the security bits (and some parts do already
exist), but we have not yet done so.


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