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Re: Java WSDP on Debian?

[19/12/2005 -- 17:38u] Arnaud Vandyck:

> > Second thing, though, is that my teacher for that course told me I
> > will indeed need the Tomcat5 container Sun offers, which is the one
> > the WSDP installer suggested in the first place. According to him
> > (but he's a manager in real life, so I'm not 100% sure :p), no "default"
> > Tomcat5 installation would suffice, and it *has* to be one of the
> > containers suggested by the Java WSDP installation routine.
> Maybe you should install the whole WSDP package from Sun, even if you
> already have another tomcat installation :(

That's what I ended up doing. :-) Hey, it's just for school, and
fiddling around a bit, but I do suddenly re-live the joy I felt when I
apt-get installed something for the first time.

Anyway, thanks for caring,

"Es bückt sich der Mann, um durch das Tor in das Innere zu sehen."
 ---                                (Franz Kafka, Vor dem Gesetz)
np: Eluvium - Taken

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