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Aw: plexus-utils upgrade

Hi Emmanuel,

> We have two versions of plexus-utils in Debian, the version 1.5.15 used
> by Maven 2 in the plexus-utils package, and the version 2.0.5 used by
> Maven 3.0.x in the plexus-utils2 package. Maven 3.1 uses plexus-utils 3.0.x.
> After some investigation it seems we could use a single version of this
> library, the compatibility from the version 1.5.15 to the latest 3.0.15
> is very good. japi-compliance-checker reports only 1% of incompatible
> changes between 1.5.15 and 2.0.5, which seems to indicate the creation
> of the plexus-utils2 package wasn't necessary.
> To verify this I upgraded locally the libplexus-utils-java package to
> 2.0.6 and rebuilt the 75 reverse dependencies. Everything compiled fine.
> I pushed further and upgraded to 3.0.15. Again I have been able to build
> all the reverse dependencies.
> So if you agree I'd like to:
> - Upgrade the plexus-utils package from 1.5.15 to 3.0.15
> - Update the 7 reverse dependencies of libplexus-utils2-java to use
> libplexus-utils-java instead
> - Request the removal of plexus-utils2
> What do you think?

First off - I am impressed. Then, there will with some good confidence be a plexus-utils 4 coming and we have a bit of the same ugly non-monotonity in "sonames" that we have now. I hence suggest to craft plexus-utils3 and ask for the removal of plexus-utils...or just leave it for now.



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