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Re: Trouble downgrading to OpenJdk 7 on Debian 9

Thanks for confirming that I didn't overlook something easy, Torsten.

The .war files we run in Tomcat7 use 3rd party code that is no longer supported and which behaves unpredictably on Java 8.

As a workaround, I'll run this Tomcat on a dedicated Ubuntu 16-04 server until we can transition off this .war code entirely.

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 1:21 PM Thorsten Glaser <t.glaser@tarent.de> wrote:
Hi David,

> We need to run Tomcat7 on JRE7 on Debian 9.

Debian is not, like other distros, a software museum ;-)

You can run Tomcat 8 on JRE 8 on Debian 9. Anything older
would require Debian 8 “jessie” which is out of regular
security support.

In our experience, what works on Java 7 works on Java 8.
The move from Tomcat 7 to 8 may require changes to the
software, but in most of our inhouse software it didn’t.

While it would be possible to provide JRE 7 for Debian 9
with relatively little effort, albeit completely unsup‐
ported, doing the same for Tomcat and all of its depen‐
dencies is quite some amount of work. (Also, packages
comung with Debian 9 would assume JRE8 or newer.) So it’s
the least work overall to make things work with Tomcat 8.

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