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Debian distributions of stable OpenJDK updates

Hey, good debian-java people,

Is there a plan to put the latest stable binaries for openjdk-8 and openjdk-11 out? I am looking at
this page:

11.0.3+1 is the old pre-release, the GA is jdk-11.0.3+7 / jdk-11.0.3-ga:

8u212-b01-2 is the old pre-release, the GA is jdk8u212-b03 / jdk8u212-ga:

Both GAs were released a month ago, and it is surprising for users to have pre-release binaries
instead of GA binaries at this point. Separately, it feels tad dubious to put out the pre-release
binaries into "stable", IMO, but that is a separate longer-term discussion.


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