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Re: Gradle problems in Debian


I agree that Gradle can be a pain to package software for Debian.
According to the documentation of the antonov protobuf gradle plugin [1], the name of the plugin is just "protobuf".
Maybe you could try this.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/aantono/gradle-plugin-protobuf

Le 19/06/2020 à 10:29, Olek Wojnar a écrit :
Java Maintainers,

Has anyone been able to successfully use Gradle for Debian packaging? I am finding the experience an exercise in extreme frustration....

For example, I have been trying to build grpc-java and it needs the Gradle Protobuf plugin ("com.google.protobuf"). Seems simple enough, right? But no, it's not. First of all, the gradle-plugin-protobuf package that seems like it should provide this plugin instead provides "ws.antonov.gradle.plugins.protobuf.ProtobufPlugin" although I had to dig through the jar file to find that. I'm assuming that's the plugin name since it's listed in META-INF/gradle-plugins/protobuf.properties as "implementation-class". However, when I replace
    apply plugin: "com.google.protobuf"
    apply plugin: "ws.antonov.gradle.plugins.protobuf.ProtobufPlugin"
Gradle continues to give me:
    * What went wrong:
    A problem occurred evaluating project ':grpc-compiler'.
    > Plugin with id 'ws.antonov.gradle.plugins.protobuf.ProtobufPlugin' not found.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get this working?? It appears that gradle-plugin-protobuf has no reverse depends so I couldn't even check to see how someone else got it working... I'm wondering if they gave up. I'm regretting trying to use Gradle in the first place and thinking I should have just downloaded source jars from Maven Central and built the package from those...

Side note: grpc-java also supports building with Bazel and, looking at the build files, this seems to be a much simpler process. Unfortunately, I'm doing all this so that we can package Bazel in the first place so that doesn't really help....

Thanks in advance if anyone can shed light on this...


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