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Status of antlr4 in Debian

Hi Emmanuel,

I am writing to you (but also to the whole team) as you are the uploader of antlr4.

The latest upstream version of a package I am maintaining in Debian-med team now fires

java.io.InvalidClassException: org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN; Could not deserialize ATN with version 4 (expected 3)

when I run its testsuite. I understand this is due to SERIALIZED_VERSION in the ATNDeserializer class of antlr4 [0] being 3 although the upstream of my package generated a source file with a more recent antlr4 having SERIALIZED_VERSION being 4.

My question is: apart from time to work on the package, is there any reason we should remain with antlr4 4.7.2 in Debian although 4.11.1 has been released upstream?

Thanks for your insights,



[0] https://sources.debian.org/src/antlr4/4.7.2-5/runtime/Java/src/org/antlr/v4/runtime/atn/ATNDeserializer.java/

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