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Re: tomcat9 access denied /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/web.xml

Hi Emmanuel,

I added the rule and restarted tomcat but the error remains.


On 12/27/22 10:21 PM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Alban,

Did you try this rule:

grant codeBase "file:/etc/tomcat9/-" {
   permission java.security.AllPermission;

Emmanuel Bourg

Le 22/12/2022 à 11:05, Alban Espié-Guillon a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm very new to tomcat, forgive me if I did not found my answer > elsewhere, i'm currently out of of ideas.
> I'm trying to setup a standalone tomcat9 (9.0.31-1~deb10u7) on Debian > 11, with security manager enabled.
> I'm seeing in catalina logs the following stacktrace (full stacktrace > provided in attachment):
> 37 21-Dec-2022 16:12:04.587 SEVERE [main] > org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.WebXmlParser.parseWebXml Parse > error in application web.xml file at [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/web.xml] > 38     java.security.AccessControlException: access denied > ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" > "accessClassInPackage.org.apache.tomcat.util.buf")
> Disabling the security manager makes it disappear, but I don't > understand why tomcat has an issue reading > /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/web.xml, which is a simlink to > /etc/tomcat9/web.xml, and I did not edit the file as you see:
> # ll /etc/tomcat9/web.xml
> -rw-r----- 1 root tomcat 169K Feb  5  2020 /etc/tomcat9/web.xml
> I tried to add the following policy in case of it could help:
> grant codeBase "file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/web.xml" {
>          permission java.security.AllPermission;
> };
> But the error was still logged.
> I tried to report the issue to users@tomcat.apache.org and I got the > following answser:
>  >The security manager is deprecated in newer versions of Java. If you > are new to Tomcat, whatever problem using the security manager is > intended to solve, I'd strongly encourage you to find an alternative > solution.
>  >The codebase refers to the JAR trying to read the file, not the file > the JAR is trying to read.
>  >I suspect the Debian distribution hasn't updated the catalina.policy > file to take account of the way Debian redistributes the Tomcat files > around the file system. If you really do want to use the security > manager, you'll need to take that up with the Debian folks.
>  >Mark

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