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Re: Bazel Removal from Debian

If the test passes regularly, and just sometimes fails under the same conditions, I would consider disabling it in autopkgtest rather than have it not make it into bookworm. The perfect is the enemy of the good.


Olek Wojnar:
Fellow Bazel contributors (and Java Team members),

I've discussed this with a few of you but I want this to go to the widest possible audience right now. We still have no idea why Bazel Java tests are failing [1] and it seems to indicate an actual problem with Bazel, as opposed to just a flaky test. (It would be nice if I'm wrong about that) To save people a click, the failing error is:
Unrecognized VM option 'UseParallelOldGC'
(Which has been patched out of the code [2] so I have no idea where it's coming from)

So, if we cannot fix this, I'll have to remove Bazel from Debian testing before the bookworm release. Meaning Bazel will NOT be in the next stable Debian release.

1 March 2023 is the last day to make an upload that will definitely make it in before the Hard Freeze.

So, I'm asking all interested people to please please take a look and see if you can figure out how to fix either the tests or the suspected underlying issue.

Pull Requests from your own branch in the bazel-bootstrap repository [3] are preferred but I'll take patches or even "you should look at line xxx in this one source file."

Please reply to this thread with any ideas or suggestions. Hopefully with all our eyes on this we can make this really frustrating bug a bit more shallow.

Thanks in advance!!


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/bazel-team/bazel-bootstrap/-/jobs/3862692
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/bazel-team/bazel-bootstrap/-/blob/master/debian/patches/fix_JDK-16_test_failures.patch
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/bazel-team/bazel-bootstrap

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