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PhD / Doktorandenstelle: OCR für Linux (Open Source)

Liebe Entwickler, dear developers,

as far as I can tell, current alternatives to commercial products (I 
dare name Abbyy Finereader and Omnipage Pro) such as gocr and ocrad, 
fail to reach the same standards. This is partly a matter of man power 
and money spent (I suppose), partly a question of technology (best 
results are achieved when operating on "3 dimensional" greyscale 

Researching on further informations, I found out, that the university of 
KL (Kaiserslautern?) offers a payed PhD project which deals exactly 
with this task:

"Develop a free open source software (FLOSS) that does optical character 
recognition (OCR) with optimal results."

Further information can be obtained from:
Christoph Lampert (username: "chl"; servername: "iupr.net")

I can't tell if the thesis has to be done in German, but of course, it 
can only be done by postgraduates. 

Finally, I quote Christoph's original posting from April, this year (he 
just told me, that there haven't been any serious applicants since!)

>> Hallo Liste,
>> eine Mitteilung, eine Frage:
>> Wir haben voraussichtlich demnaechst am DFKI in KL einige gut
>> bezahlte Doktorandenstellen, die sich mit der Entwicklung einer Open
>> Source OCR-Loesung unter Linux beschaeftigen sollen. Wenn jemand von
>> Euch,  oder jemand, den Ihr kennt, Interesse hat, kann er sich direkt
>> an mich  wenden, dann schicke ich Euch Informationen.


P.S.: Developers who are ready to support the usage of FLOSS at schools, 
are invited to meet their requirements by developing missing software 
as described at http://skolelinux.de/wiki/LernSoftware/Desiderata
- Please, take into consideration that the generation to come will use 
the type of software (and OS) they know from school...

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