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sponsorship of leocad

I have packaged up LeoCAD [http://www.leocad.org] for debian.  It is
a cad program that uses plastic bricks found in many toys (no
particular brand :).  It uses gtk+ and can export various image
formats, html pages of the steps, PovRay files, etc.; it supports
animationas well.  Very fun for kids (maybe not the very young) well
beyond age 99.

I am wondering if anyone would be interested in sponsoring this so it
will get into the distro.  I have a few legal issues to resolve and a
few finishing touches, but most of the work is done.

The sponsorship page at debian.org looks quite full and my guess is
that it takes a long time to get a package sponsored.  The author of
leocad (Leonardo Zide) suggested trying to go through debian-jr to
get leocad into debian quicker, and I thought it was a good idea.

I plan on eventually becoming a developer, but I want to make sure I
understand everything first, and I understand the registration
process takes some time.

I apprecite comments and I hope you will be interested.

Thank you.

Pat Mahoney  <pat7@gmx.net>

 Why am no the privacy goodbye.  I cannot believe in a anger pretty
 explosive mixture here.  So I'll go firewall or lose it.
        -- Dadadodo on some slashdot discussion

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