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Fw: Re: What about programming

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Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 01:11:54 -0800
From: David Gould <dg@suse.com>
To: Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire@ext.cri74.org>
Subject: Re: What about programming

On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 10:23:23AM +0800, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> David> Have a look at Smalltalk too. Squeak is a very nice and free implementation.
> David> 
> David> Also, there is a project "P4E" (programming for everyone) that is
> David> based on Python that is specifically meant for teaching programming to
> D
> Do you have relevant URL? Is there already smalltalk package in debian?


Dunno if there is a Smalltalk in debian, I have not yet used debian. But
if there is not Squeak, it is worth adding even if there is another

Looks like P4E is really named CP4E, and seems to be dormant. But, there
is a fair amount of education oriented python stuff at



David Gould                                                 dg@suse.com
SuSE, Inc.,  580 2cd St. #210,  Oakland, CA 94607          510.628.3380
You left them alone in a room with a penguin?!  Mr Gates, your men are
already dead.

OFSET - Organization for Free Software in Education and Teaching

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