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torcs - 3D car engine

Hi, finally I've manged to build torcs 1.2.2 packages. However I have two
issues. One is that on this version there seems to be an issue with glut
library, I got this error [0] after compile sucesfully and run the game.

In the same page, upstream suggest and encourages to use FreeGLUT [1] which is
an alternative, which aims to improve and does some rewrite to GLUT, since it
seems to be unmantained, it also has more features that torcs takes advantage 

So, since freeglut is not packaged, I've made a package of it, then 
sucessfully compile and run torcs without any problem as before.

Now, I've been testing for a while and it seems good but I'd like to improve my
freeglut library package, I have some issues dealing with replace glut3 and
soname that I need to solve.
When everything looks ok for me I'll put them on mentors.d.net to allow people


0- http://torcs.sourceforge.net/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=30#c4_3_12
1- http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/


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