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Re: Approached DouDouLinux developers

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Ben Armstrong
<synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca> wrote:
> On 01/29/2014 05:58 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 09:12:08PM +0100, Per Andersson wrote:
>>> My direct thoughts regarding this was about how small or specific can a package
>>> be in order to be uploaded to the Debian archive.
>> I think I perfectly understood your question and IMHO it is perfectly
>> answered by "Everything that is used and has a free license." and I
>> really mean this literally.  There is no point in excluding something
>> for the pure artificial reason that there will be not so "much"
>> (whatever measure of much you might use) users.  The pure fact that some
>> package is needed by a Debian devivative (DouDouLinux or whatever) is a
>> pretty good reason to maintain the package inside Debian.
> While I agree there's no point in excluding small/overly-specific
> packages, there's another way to read that question:
> If you see needless fragmentation upstream into too-specific packages
> that don't really need to be split, you should consider consolidating
> them. Each package does carry its own overhead on the Debian
> infrastructure, so it's good to pick the "right size" for a package. If
> you submit an RFP/ITP for a package that developers see as overly
> specific / small, it will draw criticism (e.g. packaging a single shell
> script).
> As for where that line is drawn, that's a judgement call. I've given one
> example I'm certain would be too small, but it's pretty hard to say
> without dealing with the specifics of each case.

Thanks for your input, it answered my thoughts.

One way to go with single file packages could be to bundle them together
in one package of course.


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