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Re: How can I help?


thanks for showing up here.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 11:30:50AM -0300, qobibennun@gmail.com wrote:
> I'm Qobi Ben Nun from Brazil and I have to kids. I would like to know how I
> could help with this project. Unfortunately I'm not a programmer, but maybe as a
> father and teacher there is something I could collaborate.

As you might have realised this list is extremely silent - as well as
the project in general.  I need to admit I do not consider myself as
an active member of the Debian Junior project - I'm just lurking on
this list from time to time since I'm working on the general Blends
stuff, the technique behind Debian Junior, Debian Edu and others.  If
you ask me a very simple task would be to review the tasks


verify that all packages inside Debian that are belonging to those
tasks, think about other new possible tasks and may be you know some
software that is not yet in Debian but should be packaged and included
in some task.

May be its helpful to have a look into

    https://blends.debian.org/games/tasks/   and

to get some inspiration.  Just write down what whether you see some
room for improvement and send it to the list.  I'd volunteer to add
the packages to the tasks if nobody else would step in.

> Looking forward to having contact with you.


Thanks for showing up and may be it helps to revive this nice project



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