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Re: new version of kmail eat CPU

Am Montag, 22. Juli 2013, 14:39:40 schrieb MERLIN Philippe:
> Hello,
> I am in Debian Sid AMD64 Kmail 4.10.5 and at start of new version of kmail,
> the Cpu are occupied by the process virtuoso_t   ,mesured by top its give
> 130% CPU.Is there anything to do to improve this?

Disable email indexing during initial sync.

I found that enabling it afterwards again, although it does seem to index only 
new mail then. IMHO still better than this rather long CPU hogging process.

If its still hogging CPU then, then this is related to file indexing, but here 
that didn´t take very long.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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