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Re: Window decorations/qt theme resets to some default after a while of being logged in

Hi all, I'm still having this issue. Some amount of time after logging
in, particular new apps start using default windows decorations and
themes when they spawn new windows. Google example is VLC starts using
the default gtk thick scroll bars, or krunner starts showing a blue glow
around the text field which isn't part of whatever plasma theme I've got
going on.

Anyone else run into this?

Rubin Abdi wrote, On 2013-11-04 11:30:
> I'm having an extremely hard time figuring out how to reproduce this,
> but after a while of being logged in, new qt based windows opening
> display a very default/genetic theme that isn't qt-curve. Really not
> sure what's causing it. Has anyone else seen something like this? Thanks.


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