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Problem with a custom kernel and my Debian-based distribution

Good afternoon, I send you my best regards.

I'm having a problem creating a custom kernel image for my own Debian based distribution, in this case I'm working with version 5.15.124.

Let me explain my problem:
At the time of making the kernel compilation I take a predefined configuration, it could be from kernel 5.10, that .config file I replace it and then I make some adjustments with make menuconfig, I change the name of the version for the one of my distribution. After that I make a make deb-pkg, to generate the .deb files of the kernel, up to there everything well, it is generated without any problem.

Once these packages are generated, I upload them to my own test repository, which basically is the Debian repository, but with modifications of certain packages of the base. Inside that repository is all the kernel 5.10 packages.

After that, I build the linux-image-amd64 and linux-headers-amd64 metapackages, with the respective dependencies. When I proceed to generate an ISO image with the livebuild method pointing to my test repositories, the ISO image is generated without problems. When I try to test the ISO image on a computer with strict UEFI I get the following error:

error: invalid file name 'vmlinuz'.
error: you need to load the kernel first.

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When I check the live boot entries I find no problem, as the name matches. This happens only when I want to launch the live system, because if I want to install it, it performs the process and installs the operating system. I hope you can help me with my problem, I appreciate all your support. Greetings and excuse my English. (:

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