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Bug#1054642: Failing ARP relay from external -> Linux bridge -> veth port --> NS veth port

Hi Peter,

On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 09:29:25AM +0000, peter.gasparovic@orange.com wrote:
> No attempt at all? Then it's against your own rules I've read before
> submitting this.

I think Luca was a bit harsh here, I'd be happy to help debug this. From a
first look it seems unlikely this is related to iproute2, smells more like
a kernel issue to me, but either way we need a reproducer.

So first step to move this forward is to put together a self contained set
of instructions to reproduce the problem. Your original report is a bit
sparse on context and details.

If you don't feel up to compiling the reproducer script yourself you could
start by showing us your system state using

    $ ip -d addr show   # on the host and inside the NS if you could
    $ bridge -d link; bridge fdb

snippets from /etc/network/interfaces or similar relevant config would help


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