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Re: [debian-knoppix] Floppyconfig-disk: Out of space

#include <hallo.h>
Stefan Bürbaum wrote on Sat Jun 22, 2002 um 01:34:58AM:

>  I have formatet my Knoppix-Savedisk with W32-fdformat 1.72, but

1.72 is a very touchy format. It does not work on NT/2000+ and may fail
on Linux, depending on the hardware.

>  to format the floppy under W98/DOS.

And only Win9x/DOS. When you do not need to read the disk on other
operating systems, try "superformat -B /dev/fd0u1920". It is a bit
slower, but allows 1920kB ;)

>  1.44 is not very much space.
>  Is it possible to use more then one floppy?

Better consider a proper harddisk installation.

Zum 1.000.001. Mal: Jedes Programm, das kompliziertere Funktionen
bietet als Space Invaders verlangt eine 'zeitraubende intensive
Einarbeitung' wenn man es vernünftig nutzen möchte.

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