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Re: [debian-knoppix] Debian vs. Knoppix

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You did qualify in the test, go ahead ;).

You already asked the right questions, which qualifies you to be able to try 
debian with this knoppix variant.

I use knopix on hd myself without any problems, but I use my eyes.

There are people, who do:

apt-get install some-program
Packets to remove: kde kdebase kdelibs kde...
Do you really want to do this ? [Y/N] Y

They don't _think_ ...

Or they do: 

apt-get dist-upgrade
Packets to remove: kde kdebase kdelibs kde...
Do you really want to do this ? [Y/N] Y

Or one could get to problems with some dependencies... Because of that mix ...

You can use it as a snapshot, install new programs, remove old ones and be 
happy, but there is no guarantee that this works ...

But you don't have an guarantee with unstable either *oops broken libc* today 
... ;)

So go ahead and install it :))



Am Montag, 18. August 2003 15:49 schrieb Tino Boss:
> Hi all,
> I'm quite new to linux and decided to install Knoppix for home (and maybe
> work) use on the HD. My thought was to get an easy, preconfigured Linux
> which is built on Debian and thus has Debian's apt-get features (which I
> read where better than the rpm-system; and the first three times I tried
> Linux (RedHat and Mandrake) I really had problems with rpm-dependecies.).
>  Now I came across a posting from Fabian Franz which discourages me a lot
> to do so.
> *****citation:
> You don't understand:
> HD-installation gives you a Knoppix-system fully configured, but which
> is=20 basically a debian and that makes problems.
> People loose KDE, get problems with dependencies.
> You should ask people on #debian or #debian-de. They don't support knoppix
> = and=20
> why ? Because it is soo complicated.
> *********
> ehm.. well.. What am I supposed to think about that?
> is basically a debian : ok
> that makes problems: why?
> people loose KDE: why and how?
> problems with dependecies: is it not possible to configure apt to get the
> unstable-packages and then it plays?
> it is sooo complicated: what's so complicated?
> Of course I would like to install some more packages, update packages and
> probably also take unpacked stuff and compile it. Also maybe I would like
> to add Gnome one day. So basically my concern is: will all this then be so
> complicated. Would it be easier to take a Debian-unstable and first learn
> how to configure it?
> Tino
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