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Re: [debian-knoppix] So, Mr Knopper, are you or aren't you anti-Microsoft? (Was: Software patent?)

On September 2, 2003 02:09 am, Klaus Knopper wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 03:48:38PM -0400, Gilles Pelletier wrote:
> > Hey, beware Mr Knopper! Pretty soon you're going to sound
> > anti-Microsoft...
> Why? I am talking about software patents being bad for the economy.
> There are independent studies about this. What does this have to do with
> MS?

I'm afraid you forgot to quote the following text:

> Kai, are you aware that MS is one of the largest software patent
> holders, and as part of BSA lobby, one of the originators of the current
> pro-softwarepatent draft?

> > I'm sorry Mr Knopper. I know you never wanted to get involved in
> > politics.
> Right. I'm just not comfortable with things that have no technical
> solution.

And I understand this but those problems as you now know can put an end to 
your technical research. Please, just don't tell me you will continue 
programming for yourself in your basement whatever happens.

> > You
> > just wanted to know if this hardware would boot Linux or not. And since
> > you haven't put out a new version of Knoppix for more than a month now, I
> > suppose you have pretty much succeeded. (My german teacher used to say
> > that whereas most nations work to make a living, Germans live to work.
> > So, despite all beaches in Greece, Madeira and the Canaries being filled
> > with Germans, I take for granted you're not taking vacations :)
> Sorry, I have been on vacation for a few weeks, and had not much
> bandwidth on the ship.

If ever somebody took some well-disserved vacations, you're the one. Still, I 
believe that, as a live CD, Knoppix has achieved a degree of perfection other 
distros can only envy. Isn't it entering in a maintenance rather than a 
development stage?

I believe so and the fact that it hasn't changed for more than a month 
reflects this, not just you talking vacations. So what next?

> > Just as people say you 'invented" automatic installation whereas a lot of
> > work
> I didn't. I did not invent bootable CDs either.

I'm glad we agree on this :) But you're the one who crossed the line of the 
perfect installation and that's why your name will be remembered whereas that 
of the Kudzu devleoppers will sink into oblivion.

> > So, it's for you to decide, Mr Knopper, are you or aren't you starkly and
> > openly against Microsoft?
> I am not anti-Microsoft. Why should I? 

Because Microsoft will in no way accept that Linux survives. Microsoft gets 
rid of everything in it's way: DR-DOS, Fox Pro, Novell, Lotus 1-2-3, Word 
Perfect, you name it.

> I can't use Windows by myself
> because it is way too complicated for me, 

Continue to pretend that you don't want to make Knoppix installable because 
you'd have to provide support, and you might soon -- say, within 5 years -- 
have to learn how to use Microsoft products.

> but some peoeple seem to get
> along with it well, and I'm not trying to talk anybody in switching to
> something else if he/she is comfortable with his/her current system.

That's not the point. The point is Micosoft is taking a bit of everybody's 
money not only to establish a monopoly on software, but on knowledge in 
general. YOU KNOW THAT! So why the hell are you acting so stubbornly?

> Still, Microsoft is apparently generating a lot of business for me and
> other consultants who are providing Free Software service and support,
> so I have no reason to complain about anything. "Guaranteed future
> business".

So, you can't use Windows because it's too complicated for you, but you 
provide support for Windows...

> > If nothing gets done while whining about software
> > patents, the game will be lost anyway.
> Which "game"? What are you talking about?

I'm talking about the game Microsoft has always played: getting rid of all 
competiton. Even though Linux is open source, it will have its way if nothing 
is done VERY soon. Any way to achieve the gaol will be ok: software patents, 
Palladium, you name it!

> I want to be able to continue writing software in Europe, that's the
> reason why I am against software patents. 

Many people are against globalization too, and rightly so. They shout. write 
papers and organize marches, boldly walking against policemen and going to 
prison if need be. Still, globalisation is proceeding at the same pace 
because the powers that be have their model and the protesters can't impose 

GPLed software developeprs have an unprecedented tool to operate a revolution 
and define a new economic model: an OS that works. So, now, either MS 
succeeds in wiping off Linux and the percentage of Googlers using Linux 
continue to dwindle into nothingness or Linux gets to the crowds who will 
then be apt to appreciate what software really is when the nice box is gone.

Companies like Bed Rat, Mandrake and SuSE will never do that because they 
tried to fit in the capitalist system. Bob Young decided it was best for HIS 
company to go to the Stock Exchange. Gaël Duval wanted to take the market by 
storm with the help of investors: AXA, Lazard Bank, Viventures, etc.  Every 
company wants to wipe off competiton the way Microsoft does. And that's why 
they're loosers: they'll never measure up to Microsoft levelling power.

You made Debian a snap to use. But people tell me "Knoppix is very nice, but 
is it installable? Can I have confidence in it as a production system?" And 
you know the answer to this is no.

You don't have ties to any monetary power. You're still free to go where no 
one has gone before. If you don't do what you must, the game is lost. No 
shouting, no marching will ever change anything to this.

Nobody knows better the installation system you've devised. You might decide 
to use it for installing Debian stable or testing and unstable, that's your 
choice. You may decide to have people contributing or do it alone once again. 
But the fact remains: even though you're just a technician who wants to do 
his little thing, you're central at most critical turning point in the history 
of humanity.

Call it God's will or a throw of the dices, that's the way it is. Despite what 
the books say, we don't have whole control over our destiny. You are in 
politics deep down to your neck.

> If this is not possible
> anymore because of software patents, I will just have to keep on
> teaching and in general work more in education and consulting, as long
> as this is not "patented", too.

One of the main goal of globalization is to patent education, to have it run 
by companies. So, if teching kids how to use Microsoft products is not your 
goal in life, think very well about your next move.


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