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Re: Knoppix feature request: better ntfs support

Hi Kirol,

On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 01:36:13 +0100, kirol wrote:

> >In fact, it does! The filesystem field in /etc/fstab is set to "ntfs"
> >when fstab is auto-generated, which means that mount.ntfs is been called
> >on automatic mounts - which links to ntfs-3g for Knoppix.
> That explains why such a FS is reported as "fuse" by "mount" when 
> I tried the v531 DVD. Couldn't the proper tag 'ntfs-3g" be used 
> to avoid confusion?

No. When using any fuse based filesystem, the fstype is always fuse
or fuseblk. The actual filesystem implementation runs in userspace and
interfaces with the fuse kernel module.

> quick rescue session: will a naive "mount /media/sda1" use the kernel
> driver (as suggested by fstab) or the safer ntfs-3g ?

Not if mount.ntfs is a symlink to ntfs-3g.

Christian Perle                                    chris AT linuxinfotag.de
010111                                              http://chris.silmor.de/
101010                          LinuxGuitarKitesBicyclesBeerPizzaRaytracing

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