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Re: Please unblock mysql-dfsg-5.0 5.0.32-6 <- ABI problems!


||  On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 10:07 +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
||  > > No, the reason for insisting on a t-p-u upload was that the *template*
||  > > change was inappropriate because it was a regression for users of several
||  > > languages (Dutch, Danish, Italian, Galician, Swedish, Brazilian Portuguese,
||  > > Japanese, Basque, Czech, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German).  That's
||  >
||  > Out of these, we're currently only missing Dutch, Brazilian.
||  Ok, here it is for Dutch (skipping LCFC because the changes are
||  extremely minimal).

Aww, nou heb ik vanavond niks meer te doen!

Ciao.                              Vincent.
Vincent Zweije <zweije@xs4all.nl>    | "If you're flamed in a group you
<http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/>      | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |            -- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.

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