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Re: Bug#695213: Typos in package description

Christian PERRIER wrote:
>> Yes, that's got a few non-nativisms.
> :-)
> Are you saying you can hear the French accent by just reading this
> package's description? :-)

The package description for freetuxtv, yes - the word "differents" is
a dead giveaway.  A search tells me it also occurs in pidgin-themes:

 Package: pidgin-themes
 Maintainer: Martin Braure de Calignon <braurede@free.fr>
 Description: Smiley themes collection for pidgin
  This package provides few differents smiley theme for Pidgin
  They have been downloaded from http://gaim.sourceforge.net
  and from http://www.gnome-look.org/
  It includes only free themes.
  Homepage: http://www.pidgin.im/

Well, .im is Isle of Man, but this sounds more like Jersey.  Patch
coming soon...
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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